The Cat Street Gallery is proud to announce its forthcoming group exhibition, 'SURFACE TENSION' , opening in Hong Kong at The Space on 28 February 2013. As the first of it's three major group shows this year, the gallery will showcase this unique gathering of five artists who hail from all over the world, and whose works cross many media, each responding to the curatorial theme of the exhibition's title.

SURFACE TENSION will present over 40 works - many of which have been made specially for the show - tied together in different and critically engaging ways. Common threads weave between the different pieces, sometimes in execution - seen in physical characteristics and methods used such as paint on canvas, or the appropriation of certain imagery such as Japanese manga; sometimes in concept, expression and response to his or her environment - where the influence of the cities in which he or she lives palpably permeates the subject of the work; sometimes in challenges faced and tension felt - as the role of the artist today changes and morphs in the bright light of art market expectations and the shadows of what has come before.

Featuring one of Japan's most exciting young talents practicing today, and two from Hong Kong's growing art scene, the presence of Asia-based artists is key to the identity of the show. Paired with two others from the UK and Europe, the combination of all five will present a unique look at how each artist engages with different materials and how curiously works can overlap and contrast in their manifestation. Whether painting on canvas, etching on paper, glazing on sculptural pottery, or transforming images through video - each artist's fascinating individual approach to the notion of 'surface' will come together to embody larger notions of cultural cross-pollination in both aesthetic expression and conceptual practice, to create a truly compelling exhibition. Interested particularly in the interaction of artists and art world environments which otherwise would have no reason to overlap, SURFACE TENSION will embody the gallery's ongoing support of local artistic activity in Hong Kong as well as practice outside Asia, and likewise continue to unearth the best of contemporary art being made today.
© 2018 The Cat Street Gallery | Trusted by Oneday Properties | Produced by Hodfords